is the very first Muslim Matrimonial Website to be supervised by a "Board of Scholars". Our Board of Scholars carefully and continually scrutinize the design, functionality, and procedures of the website service, to ensure (as much as possible) that the website provides an avenue that meets reasonable Islamic (Halal) guidelines. At this time, our "Supervisory Board of Scholars" consists of:
Mufti Hussain Kamani - Instructor at Qalam Institute, and Imam in Chicago, IL, USA.
Maulana Abdul Hakim - Imam of Masjid Uthman, Lombard, IL, USA.
Shaykh Omar Suleiman - Instructor at Al-Maghrib Institute, Dallas, TX, USA.
Maulana Bilal Ali Ansari - Director of Darul Hikmah, Instructor at Darul Qasim, Chicago, IL, USA.
Shaykh Yaser Birjas - Imam of ValleyRanch Mosque, Instructor of Al-Maghrib, Irving, TX, USA.
Below are a set of video endorsements from some of our supervisory board of scholars. After the videos, there is a growing list of scholars in the community who have formally endorsed and encouraged our unique Muslim Matrimonial project, Alhamdulillah. Jazak' Allahu Khairan to all of the scholars, and communty leaders for supporting us, and encouraging us, and keeping this project in their dua's.
Alhamdulilah, we are grateful to have in the ummah this new secure website for matrimonials. May it truly be a source for finding lifelong mawaddah for the brothers and sisters who find each other through it, and may they together bring harmony and the safety of a blessed union in their lives, fortifying the ummah, as the preface to eternal Paradise. Ameen. Jazakum Allah khayran to Sidi Rezaul and all those behind this endeavor.
Imam Azeemuddin Jawad, Imam of Mosque, Cincinnati, OH, USA.
Mawaddah Matrimony is a beneficial resource for the Muslim community, in that it specifically tailors to the needs of individuals who are practicing Muslims seeking a compatible spouse through halal means. The website is beautifully designed, well organized, easy to navigate, and ensures the participation of only serious individuals. This makes it an ideal option for Muslims. It is a commendable endeavor and an essential service for our community.
Imam Faraz Ahmad, Director of Darul Mahmood Inst, Prior Lake, MN.
Successful and productive marriages are an essential element for the Muslim community to move forward. This can only be possible if Muslims and Muslimahs choose Qur’an and Sunnah as the fundamental and only guide to manage and solve their problems, and also if they connect to the scholars of their communities for education and advice even before they initiate the marriage. Mawaddah Matrimony is unique in their foundation, as they are students of knowledge, and in their focus of practicing Muslims. May Allah the Magnificent help them attain their desired objectives and results, and also excel them in their sincere efforts. Ameen.
Mufti Azeemuddin Ahmed, Imam DarusSalaam Foundation, Glen Ellyn, IL.
As an Imam, I am constantly requested to guide Muslims to a trusted avenue to seek good compatible spouses for marriage. Alhamdulillah, I am very happy that a scholar-approved and trusted Muslim Matrimonial website now exists, where we can direct practicing Muslims to. MawaddahMatrimony is the first project that caters to Muslims that want to seek compatible spouses in a halal manner. Therefore, I fully support MawaddahMatrimony and pray that Allah (swt) makes it a means of ease and benefit for the entire ummah, ameen.
Shaykh Husain Abdul Sattar, Founder of, Chicago, IL, USA.
Shaykh Hamza Wald Maqbul, Instructor at Darul Qasim Institute, Glendale Heights, IL, USA.
Shaykh Tameem Ahmedi, Imam of Fremont Mosque, Fremont, CA, USA.
Shaykh Abdul Nasir Jangda, Director and President of Qalam Institute, Dallas, TX, USA.
Shaykh Yasir Fahmy, Imam of Islamic Society of Boston Cultural Center, Boston, MA, USA.
Shaykh Abdur Rahman Khan, Resident Scholar at ICW Mosque, Wheaton, IL, USA.
Shaykh Rami Nsour, Imam in San Francisco Bay Area, CA, USA.
Shaykh Kamal el Mekki, Instructor at Al-Maghrib Institute, Virginina, USA.
Shaykh Saad Tasleem, Instructor at Al-Maghrib Institute, Washington DC, DC, USA.
Shaykh Ahmad Ali, Imam of Masjid Bilal and Da'ee, Bradford, England, UK.
Mufti Ehzaz Ajmeri, Scholar at Shariah Board, Instructor at DarusSalam Foundation, Glen Ellyn, IL, USA.
Mufti Minhajuddin Ahmed, Director of DarusSalam Foundation, Glen Ellyn, IL, USA.
Imam Ousmane Drame, Imam of Masjid Al-Farooq, Chicago, IL, USA.
Maulana Musa Sugapong, Instructor of Darul Qasim Institute, Cleveland, OH, USA.
Hooman Keshavarzi, Director of Khalil Counseling Center, Roselle, IL, USA.
Ustadh Majed Mahmoud, Influential Speaker and Instructor, Medina, KSA.
Ustadha Lena Tleib, Speaker and Instructor, Chicago, IL, USA.
Dr. Sabeel Ahmed, Director of ICNA Gain Peace, Chicago, IL, USA.
Br. Ali Fiaz, Ameer of Al-Maghrib Wasat, Chicago, IL, USA.
Br. Eddie Redzovic, Host of The Deen Show, Chicago, IL, USA.
Sr. Nevien Shaabneh, Author and Teacher, Chicago, IL, USA.
… and many more to come inshaAllah …
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